What We Do

Our Mission

Bay Area Chaplains provides hope and transforms lives through the message of Christ in correctional facilities in Northern California.

Bay Area Chaplains meets the spiritual needs of both inmates and staff through a ministry that includes worship services, Bible studies, counseling, discipleship, and literature distribution.  

We supply comprehensive pastoral ministry to all the inmates of the Martinez, Marsh Creek, and West County Detention Facilities.

lance-2-300x170Our chaplains encourage and counsel individuals within the facility, both the inmates and the correctional officers, administrators and other staff.

Bay Are Chaplains establishes, coordinates, and oversees programs of worship, religious study, discipleship and follow-up of inmates and staff.

We serve as a channel of the local church in fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission.  We do this as we recruit, train, and supervise volunteer ministry partners from the faith community. 

We also arrange for and schedule visits by professional clergy to inmates and facilitate all faiths in their ministry to inmates.


Recruit, train and oversee Volunteers

Training 618x398Bay Area Chaplains enlists over 150 volunteers to help carry on the chaplain's ministry. This includes guiding them through the initial and annual clearance process.  We provide annual required training and schedule assignments.  The volunteers teach Bible classes and conduct worship services in all three facilites. Their involvement enables Bay Area Chaplains to have one of the most active chaplain programs in the state.


Self-study Bible Courses

Inmate study(2) 618x398Many inmates have been active in the Chaplains Self-Study Bible Course. Lessons are in both English and Spanish. Inmates completed an average of 9,200 lessons each year over the past three years. As they progress inmates earn various helpful study aids. Those who complete the entire program receive a quality Study Bible.

The Chaplains Self-Study Bible Course includes Genesis, the Gospel of John, Romans, Acts, I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Peter, and I John. There are a total of 224 lessons. Inmates receive a certificate for each unit of eight lessons they complete. To complete the entire series an inmate must answer 12,544 questions.


Services Available

Death Notification
Family Emergencies
Bible Studies
Worship Services
Clergy Visits
Religious Books
Marriage Packets
Religious Diets
Maintain Clothing Closet


Want to make a difference? 
