Christmas Joy


The Chaplains at the Contra Costa County Detention Facilities offer area congregationsChristmas joy tree 618x398 various holiday outreach opportunities.

Wives and children also do time when the husband and father are incarcerated. Brighten a child’s Christmas by participating in the Christmas Joy gift-giving program. Each church decides how many children the congregation would like to sponsor and the parent’s name, children’s gender and age will be provided. The church would then purchase the gifts and set up a delivery date near Christmas.

Contact Chaplain John Klobuchar at 510-262-4330 or email:




The Chaplains of Contra Costa County Detention Facilities would like to offer a ministry opportunity to your congregation.  Christmas Joy invites you to bring joy to the children of inmates by bringing them gifts this Christmas.


Christmas joy kids 618x398Every year the churches provide hundreds of gifts to children of inmates through the Christmas Joy program.  Many homes were touched. It is only by your participation that we are able to change lives and build homes of incarcerated mothers and fathers.  You can partner with us in this life-changing ministry.


Your church will be provided the name, age and gender of each child.  Your people are asked to purchase and deliver gifts to the children before Christmas. We need to know how many children or how many families you wish to help. 


Some churches put a card on a Christmas tree for each child.  Members pick up the cards and purchase the gifts.  Others make the deliveries.  Each church should feel free to design its own system.


Let us know as soon as possible.  If your group would like to participate we need to know how many gifts you would provide.  We will let you know before the first Sunday of December how many requests we have for you.


If you wish to participate contact Chaplain John Klobuchar at 510-262-4330 or email:

Thank you for your participation as we seek to be salt and light in our community. 


Want to make a difference? 
